Sunday 29 July 2012

French Vanilla Macarons with Vanilla Creme

the ambiance is a bit solemn, just like the weather (bummer)
This is my first attempt at making macarons after extensive (I think!) online researches which included BraveTart; I found it very informative and honest, which I really like cause I'm such a newbie at western dessert. I followed the recipe to the T..and very happy with the results although half of them cracked (well I end up with almost 30 good macs..took me & hubby a few days to finish!). Recipe here BraveTart..oh, I made this 2 weeks ago..before the first cyclone hit HK (yes so far we had 3 already..exciting times heh)

cute pinky morsels...

Hubby is watching "Raging Bull" while waiting for his wholemeal french loaf baking in the oven , look at how young De Niro was..I can barely concentrate while writing this post..
Damn they tasted really good! love the chewy texture in my mouth. Powder food coloring is the real deal. I used liquid pink rose and it didn't turn out as pastel pink as I hoped. A few days later I bought some powder colors for my Rainbow Cake and my oh my, while cyclone Vicente was out there uprooting a few trees in front of my house, it didn't bother me cause I had the prettiest Rainbow Cake in my kitchen!

my pretty pink macs

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