Wednesday 5 December 2012

Individual Cinnamon Pavlova with Strawberries & Pistachios

Individual Cinnamon Pavlova with Strawberries & Pistachios

Please take note that my recipe may differ from other meringue recipes because of the climate in Hong Kong. It's up to 90% humidity here in summer so I have modified (after numerous failed attempts!) a classic meringue recipe I found in an American cookbook. Humidity may cause the meringue to flop in the oven. Over beating the egg whites may also cause the meringue to "weep"; you'll see sugar drops seeping through the meringue as it's baking.

All utensils need to be spotlessly clean to prevent any grease interfering with formation of the meringue; simply wipe bowls, spatulas, spoons, whisk etc with lemon juice.

Does it start to sound quite scary technical at this point?? I have to say, I failed a few times before I finally nailed this! How many times you may ask? Well, that week hubby came home and asked "Are you still trying to make pavlova again?"

Success have never tasted so yummy!!!

Individual Cinnamon Pavlova with Strawberries & Pistachios
Makes 6 individual or 1 large pavlova

4 large egg whites, room temperature
200g castor sugar
2 TBS cornstarch
1/2 tsp cream of tartar (optional)
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
100ml cream, whipped to serve
Fresh strawberries

Preheat the oven at 200 Celcius.

Beat egg whites until foamy, add sugar by spoonful and beat on medium/low speed.

When egg whites is stiff, sprinkle cornstarch and beat for 5 seconds. Add vinegar, vanilla & cinnamon powder. Beat 5 seconds or gently fold.

Shape the meringue on a baking tray lined with baking paper. You can get 6 individual meringues or 1 large meringue.

Place tray in the oven, reduce temperature to 140 Celcius and bake for 1 hour. Then lower the temperature to 120 Celcius and bake for another 1 hour.

Switch off the heat, leave the oven door slightly ajar. Let meringues cool completely overnight.

Serve with whipped cream, crushed pistachios and fresh strawberries. ENJOY!

Zie x 

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